Jessica Dubin |


Guest of:

Christine Owen

Studio location:

240 Cornwall Road
Warren, CT 06754

My work reflects my obsession with natural history.  Whether making a piece of functional pottery or sculpture, there is a deep-rooted fascination with mark making. Spirals and circles, ripples akin to those in water or windblown sand, forms inspired by diatoms, seed pods, and sea-worn stones.

 Attention to surface is constant. Layers of thick porcelain slip retain marks from fingers and tools. They create opportunities for glaze and wood ash to accentuate them: to pool within and between. In the application, I strive for an immediacy of gesture, a sense of softness and movement that remain essential to the finished piece.

 I am interested in the way in which these marks disappear and reveal themselves within the glaze with which they are coated and I am never sure exactly how they will turn out. The process is richly satisfying. The range of mark making is ripe with incremental possibilities and imbued with the mysterious element of chance.


Lorimer Burns


Jane Herold